Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Reply using the little "comment" button below with your guess as to what this is. If you wish to post a "what is it?" photo to your blog - we'll play along!


  1. I think that this is some sort of ice crystal or something that has frozen.

  2. It looks to me a bit like a blue slate.

  3. It looks like a window when it frosts over on the inside during winter.

  4. It seems like an underwater painting or photograph.

    Although it obviously is not, it reminds me of the recent pictures of the underwater oil plumes from the gulf spill.

  5. It is a bit of frost on a window in the deep of winter at sunrise. If you look closely, you can see the hint of pink from the rising sun. Cold Cold Cold!

  6. I would have guessed frost on a single pane window. I don't really want to think about that weather right now!!

  7. I agree that it looks like frost on a window. At first I thought it was some sort of abstract flower painting, with all the colors, but when I took a step back and thought about it further I saw frost.

  8. I thought that it looked like a piece of Rock Candy or maybe a Geode. These up close pictures are really interesting and sometimes really deceiving .

  9. When I first looked at the picture, ice or glaciers of some sort came right to mind. But after reading the above comments, I can see how it is frost on a window. I also didn't recognize the hint of pink before.

  10. It looks like some watercolor painting...I see an abstract of leaves and a maybe even a person standing in the middle.

  11. My first glance at the picture I saw a flower. It looked like it was part of a watercolor painting close-up.
    As I looked at more. It reminded me of frost on the windows in the cold winter.

  12. I think it is a close up of a painting or curtains.

  13. I think it is a close up of a picture or a painting.

  14. i think it looks like underwater plant life...
